The letter died.
Despite working in the post office and see that every year the number of matches grows more and more. I note that all people have the idea that postman delivery letters and it is so sad because the letters are dying every day. If you look within that grant postman, the 15 kilos of matches that the official in the mail brings over his shoulder to the streets of the city you will find accounts, advertisements, fines, orders and there in the middle, a hide letter fearful and introverted.
People do not want to write more? It must not be true. Both is that the internet are full of people in chats, msn, orkut, blogs, forums and many others. But if people still want to write then why they don’t send more cards? Is the work to go to an agency to post them? Is it because she is not as fast as the e-mail? Or is that it requires a little more of us?
An Epistle requires attention. She is like a child erratic. Need assistance and contact to grow and develop. We have to be careful with what we say to her. The paper accepts anything and also guards everything. Since a declaration of love that has been hidden for a long time as an offense written at a time of hatred and rancor. The letters take a piece of us. Perhaps this is the real reason for being to disappear so quickly. They take a little bit of our energy and transfer it to the receiver. People do not want to donate. Much less invest their time in a gesture of affection and attention to someone who is distant. We are too busy with ourselves. Spend few minutes of our lives to think and write a message to someone is want too much.
The letter died because people have so little within themselves that no longer has anything further to give.
Don´t let the letters die!!!
ResponderExcluirMy friend, you gave me an execellent idea today!!! I will start writting a letter for my boyfriend! I think that will be a nice surprise for him!!!
Thank you for this idea!!!
Lots of colors fpur you!!
I know he will be happy when receive your letters. And if one he stay far from you he can read again your words and feel your presence one more time.
ResponderExcluirHugs to you lady.
Gracias por la bienvenida, ojala no sea tan aburrida con mis historias =)
Yo creo que no será aburrido acompañar suyas historias.
ResponderExcluirMe hace gusto suya presencia aquí. Jessi retorna siempre que te guste.
Un abrazo.
Mi querido amigo Alves,
ResponderExcluirmuchas gracias, he recibido tu carta el dia domingo. En verdad, mil gracias, me hizo muy feliz.
Recibe un fuerte abrazo desde México.
¡Hola Luis! No hay nada que debas agradecer. Me gusta mantener contacto con usted y con Topy. Vosotros son personas especiales para mí.
ResponderExcluirUn abrazo e buena suerte con la vida.
its so sad, but true.but we should fight this situation!
ResponderExcluirAbout this I ask you:
ResponderExcluirDo you receveid the letter I send to you?
my dear friend , today i received your postcard..thanks so very much that is so sweet of you! loved it! obrigada mucho!
hey pal check this out:http://albtranslator.blogspot.com/2008/02/youve-got-mail.html
ResponderExcluir:) saludos!