Poetry. It had to be forbidden to be written and thus to be imprisoned in one ordinary sheet of paper. Before perpetual being enslaved in the cellulose it to be free in the world would have. No poet could write the poetry that did not live that it did not dream. Nobody could read a poetry if it was not made use to complete it, to divide with its proper existence, its reality, its life. Quintana said that the poetry books had to come with some pages blank and great spaces between the phrases, so that the children could draw and paint in pages and the spaces. I, however defend that more books of poetry are not written. Therefore the books are ready dreams, manufactured emotions for that it lived them or it dreamed them. Let us finish with poetry books. E that each one is free to make of its life a poem simply a romance or a story of fairies.
Oi te achei do blog da Amateur Dancer, ela achou que a gente se conhecia por ambos sermos brasileiros.. eu também escrevo (quanto tenho a vontade)
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Eu também te achei por lá. Foi um sarro quando ela perguntou se a gente se conhecia.
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