sexta-feira, janeiro 04, 2008

Citations. Nº 04

"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."


6 comentários:

  1. Hey! Thanks for the visit. Where do you live? Outside Brazil? Great quotes and citations. That's my fountain of inspiration when I'm in those empty blurred days.

    I'll bookmark ya!

  2. Luis.
    What I like in this quote is:
    Socrates said almost the same in almost same time that Confucius and they had a quarter of world between them.

  3. Thanks for your visit Erica. I’m glad for know you like here.
    No I don’t live out Brazil, but I am searching for another ways to express myself.
    As soon is possible I will visit your blog Hugs and good luck with your life.

  4. Very true. Ilisten once one like... u pray to get what u think u need and u get what u really need but u don't know what u are gonna get. I guess i wrote it a little bit messy xD

  5. Rosa thanks for come in. I hope you enjoy us. And don't worry we can understand what you wrote.
    Hugs and come back every time you want.


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