quarta-feira, dezembro 12, 2007

Things of couple. Nº 04

He – You’re only study, now you’re in vacations. I work hard 12 hours by day. You can wash my clothes and clean some thing in the house.

She – Love, I’m a modern woman, don’t was born to be a cleaner.

12 comentários:

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Olá. Vim retribuir sua visita.
    Legal teu blog com os textos - aquilo é real, digo, ser um escritor iniciante?!

    Às vezes, tb tenho um rompante e começo a escrever, e normalmente o turbilhão de idéias que eu crio tem muito de história da arte, meus comentários sobre certos aspectos da história que se tivessem acontecido de outro jeito, teriam influenciado muita coisa na vida cotidiana, ex.: fast food. rs.

    Enfim, vou marcar teu blog para visitinhas.

    Boa semana (ou final dela).
    PS. Sim, sortuda mesmo. rs. Devia me preocupar menos.
    PS2. É um alce, depois vi que a foto não está nítida, vou substituir por outra melhor.

  3. Ha ha, sometimes we are a little meant, isn´t?

    A lot of kisses.

  4. Ha ha, sometimes we are a little meant, isn´t?

    A lot of kisses.

  5. I wrote such a long comment but then my wireless broke down - well...

    me being a 'gender-woman' [you may look up what Gender Mainstreaming is] would if I were 'she' in this case of couple numero 4

    -clean the house,
    -wash and cook (?),
    -buy some flowers,
    -make the place nice,

    ...for my (our) living space with the man I call 'Love'. This has nothin' to do with being/not being a 'feminist'

    deep note: I would not iron though :p

  6. haha.. Both are right. Just need to strike a balance.

  7. Juliana seja bem jvinda e retorne sempre.
    Depois eu passo lá pra ver se o alce está mais reconhecível.
    Um abraço.

  8. Mussa:
    I think I have lucky because this isn't my wife.

    Kisses and hugs to you.

  9. I ask to myself:
    How somebody can survive in a dirty place? Is disgusting!
    Be a modern woman don't mean be a pork woman.
    The couple need share the tasks from house.
    Hugs ZsaZsu.

  10. This is the best way Pink, but I think they don't will find a solution. She will receive a kick soon.
    Hugs to you.

  11. obrigada por escrever lá... é um blog de confidencias minhas, acho que deveria deixá-lo como particular...
    té mais, feliz natal.

  12. Wow, it's a little bit hard to tell something a bout genere things. But, I think it's a couple bussiness, I mean, the house work has been made for the two of them.


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