sexta-feira, junho 29, 2007

Citations. Nº 02

Status is buy something that you don’t need, using the money you don’t have, to look like something you don’t are, to impress people you don’t like.

(Unknow origin)

7 comentários:

  1. Amei este teu post. Amei!!!
    Viver uma vida superficial, impressionar alguem com aquilo que tu não tens, com aquilo que tu não és... o erro terrível que nunca acaba bem...

    Beijo perfumado*

    P.S. Bem, adoraria ser dona deste carro. ;)

  2. It's really sad but ir's true. We fight to be something or someone we are not, we won't to be.

  3. I like that comment, estaré visitando tu páagina, y quiero aprender a hablar portugués, muito axê.

  4. Cacharel: eu tamb´[em gostaria de ter uma máquina assim.
    Abraços pra você e que tenhas uma vida muito verdadeira.

  5. Luis: but this is a sad fight. And when everything is over we are changed in nothing. We don't are what we was and we don't become in what we want. We become gray and dusty.
    Hugs to you.

  6. Borrego: es bienvenido. Regresa siempre.
    Abrazos del Brasil.

    Borrego: És bem vindo. Volte sempre.
    Abraço do Brasil.

  7. My Dearest,

    That´s life. It is real...why the hell we are used to make our life more complicated? By using stuff we do not need? Anyway...rain always be there...

    You know a thing? Borrego is one of my bests friends! He is great! I am so glad that he started visiting you. He likes Brazil a lot, he takes Capoeira Lessons, you know?

    Danzón kisses 4 you!

    PS: Great picture!


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